10 Things You Can Do to Change Your Life

Author: Dr Bennett May 12, 2016 Personal Development & Growth, Professional Development

If you know me then you’ll already understand the purpose of these 10 things. If you don’t know me then you’ll learn how much I believe that life is all about choices. You should also already know the choices are never made by someone else, they are made by you. Where you are right now in life is most likely the sum of the choices you have made. If you don’t like where you are right now and the choices you have made, then get ready to take some notes because I am about to help you start making better choices. If you are reading this and thinking Dr. Bennett, I love my life right now, then I urge you to share this with someone who needs it.

1. Make your bed – A task that seems so simple yet is ignored. Everyday you wake up with a task to complete, if you do something as simple as making your bed, then it sets you up for success. If have a bad day at least you’ll come home to a bed that is made!

2. Find someone to help you – It’s called The Law of the Lid. You can only get so far by trying to do everything yourself. Here at the Body Workz Wellness office we have staff members for a reason. They help me accomplish all the task and the goals for the day. There is no way I could run the entire office solo.

3. Measure a person by the size of their heart – You might also know this phrase as “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”. Either way you get the idea. Have respect for people even if you don’t agree on certain things.

4. Don’t become complacent – Did you find short-term success? That is great, but don’t stop there. Get back in the dirt and keep grinding.

5. You will FAIL often – Erase the idea of overnight success from your head. The path to success is hard work & discipline. You might have 5 ideas that fail and the 6th one will be successful.

6. Don’t be afraid to jump head first – When you come up with a solution or idea there might 1,000 nay sayers. It is your job to ignore them and just go after it. If you fail, then you just get right back up and keep going.

7. Don’t back down from the sharks – If you are to play in the big pool be ready for the sharks. But if you stay calm, stay alert, and stay focused to your goals the sharks won’t matter.

8. Be your very best even in the darkest moments – This is something that will separate you from everyone else. When the ____ hits the fan where will you be found? Will you be retreating or will be attacking? Don’t back down when the going gets tough.

9. Don’t underestimate hope – The one thing that is stronger than fear is not strength, it is the power of hope. The ability to have hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that you are on your way to winning the battle. Don’t ever deny hope or deny someone else of hope. It is a very powerful thing.

10. Finally, DO NOT ever give up – Not for one second of your life should you ever think about ringing that bell. There is no such thing as surrendering or quitting. If ringing that bell crosses your mind, then reach out to someone who can help.

I am not asking you to accomplish all 10 of these, but if you master just a couple of these things. Then I am for certain you will see change in your life. You don’t have to make huge changes to see huge changes. Start with these small ideas, and let them build into big changes over time.