Are you Holding Yourself Back?

Author: Dr Bennett September 9, 2015 Personal Development & Growth

It’s another day and you still don’t feel like you’ve accomplished what you want to accomplish. You have this yearning to go out and do awesome things and meet awesome people, but it hasn’t happened yet. You’re probably wondering, is it me? Is there something I can do? Or did other people just get lucky with the life they’ve been given? It turns out you might be holding yourself back without even knowing it. With so much desire to go after these great things, you may wonder how it’s possible that you’re holding yourself back. Well, here’s what might be happening:Depositphotos_69888315_m-2015

No clear picture of your goals. Yes, you know deep down that you want to go out and experience incredible things, but what exactly are these things? You need some direction. Do you want to become healthier? More adventurous? Meet new people? Make a list of clear and achievable goals so you have a vivid path in your mind of what you want to do next.

You compare yourself to others. We are all guilty of this. It always seems like someone always has something that we want. Someone is always skinnier, more attractive, richer, and the list goes on and on. We all need to stop doing this. It’s a bad habit. It is discouraging and damaging to our self-esteem. When we compare ourselves to others, we are expecting ourselves to go after goals that might not even be right for our own lifestyle. Focus on yourself, they’re your goals.

You wait for the approval of others. Relying on the opinions of others can be a huge deterrent in reaching the goals that you want to reach. It’s easy to want that approval from others; no one likes to be judged or looked at negatively. But what’s most important in achieving your goals is you. If achieving your goals is something that will make you happy in the long run, then it’s something you need to do, no matter what others may say.

Not taking action – procrastination. This is where the “I’ll start tomorrow” mantra comes in. There’s always tomorrow, but how many tomorrow’s are there going to be before it’s too late to achieve your goals? Sometimes it’s easier to stick to our normal routine, and keep the mentality that tomorrow we will start the new things that we want to start. But while we’re waiting, and procrastinating, we could already be on the way to reaching our goals and experiencing new things.

Waiting for the perfect opportunity. This idea can go hand-in-hand with procrastination. So, you’re waiting for that perfect opportunity. When all of the stars align and everything works out the way that you want it to. I hate to tell you, but you may be waiting for this moment for awhile. Opportunities, although maybe not perfect, are always around us. The magic happens when you become aware of them.Take matters into your own hands and create your own perfect opportunity.

Not taking responsibility for your actions. Sometimes the things that are holding us back most are the things that we refuse to acknowledge. No one likes to admit their mistakes or recognize their flaws, but doing these things can help you move forward, to bigger and better things. To reach new goals, it will be essential to take responsibility for yourself and your actions, and do what you need to do to make the necessary changes, for the better.

Don’t hold yourself back any longer. You can take charge of your future and start making things happen today. Remember to set BIG (your) goals and go after them. Don’t let anyone stop you.