Creating A WOW Experience For Your Visitors

Author: Dr Bennett October 22, 2015 Body Workz Wellness

Creating a WOW experience is all about exceeding the visitor’s expectations. A certain set of expectations come with each experience be they conscious or unconscious. Let’s look at a few ways to help you create a remarkable WOW experience.

Project a tone of professionalism. Remember that whether you are a gatekeeper or the lead person you’re one of the company’s most important assets.  By projecting a professional, capable demeanor, you imply that the visitors’ experience with you or your business as a whole will follow suit.

Greet all visitors with enthusiasm.  While it seems that it should go without saying…In my leadership travels, I have seen many people mumble their way through an encounter half-hearted.  Initiating the conversation with a simple “Good morning” or “Good afternoon” in a steady, audible, enthusiastic voice will set the tone for the encounter and will be appreciated by all visitors. Think back to a time when you walked into a room or situation where you really didn’t know your way around or, for that matter, maybe it was the first scenario where you actually got to meet the individual with whom you wanted to connect.  Eliminate the awkwardness…nobody likes it.   

If you know who the visitor is, greet them with their name. The most precious word we know is our name. It’s what sets us apart and allows us to claim our identity. In a business setting if you have an appointment scheduled for a visitor at 10:00 and a new face walks through the door at that time, odds are in your favor that will be your visitor.  That brings us to another key point. When you schedule the appointment, get the proper spelling and pronunciation of their name. This small detail can be the game-changer in creating a WOW experience. (“Jim? Welcome! I’m Lisa. We’re so happy to have you at our office today!”)

Reconfirm whom their appointment is with or the purpose of the visit. When you assume a visitor is there to see the wrong person it suggests inefficiency, something no one in your business wants that person to feel going into a professional exchange with your company.

Think Well

Try to create rapport as soon as possible.  Perhaps you could offer a drink while they wait. In our office we always offer a bottle of water. (“Jim, can I get you a bottle of water?”) This simple gesture, offering a glass of water or a cup of tea, not only finds common ground but can lessen the anxiety and any frustration should a visitor have to wait.  

Another way to offer hospitality is to give them a brief description of your office or meeting place layout.  (“Jim, our restrooms are located down the hallway should you need them; please make yourself comfortable in the waiting area, and I’ll let Dr. Bennett know that you are here.”)

Keep the visitor well-informed and in the loop.  After you have made the appropriate person or department aware that their visitor has arrived, let the visitor know you’ve done that. (“Jim, I let Dr. Bennett know that you’re here and he will be with you shortly.”)

Stay calm and press on. If you are the person responsible for handling those who come in and out of an office or meeting place, an occasional stressful situation might occur, such as multiple visitors at one time, the phone ringing, or questions being asked that you might not have answers to.  Stay calm! Another key in creating a WOW experience is handling any situation with a professional and relaxed tone.  This, once again, reassures your visitor that this TEAM has their act together.  You have heard it said before; you only get one chance to make a first impression.  Make one that will last for all the right reasons.  By directing the situation, you’ll ensure that it doesn’t control you.  

People want to engage and do business with those they know, like, and trust.  This first encounter is a great opportunity to “set the tone” for things to come.  Allow people to get to know a bit about you by the way you conduct yourself. Actions speak louder than words. Make it a WOW experience for both you and your visitor!