The Benefits of a Fitness Partner

Author: Dr Bennett November 5, 2015 Body Workz Wellness


So you’re on a mission. You have decided to take your fitness into your own hands and go after your goals. What you come to realize is that it’s just not as easy as it sounds. You have to stay motivated day after day to go the gym, repeat your routine, and stay on track. It can be a pretty difficult and monotonous task. So what can you do to change this? How can you turn your fitness goals into realistic and achievable goals? It’s easier than you think. If you have a friend that’s also wanting to get into shape, then you are on the right track. Having a fitness partner can be an effective way to reach your goals. Here’s why:

Motivation and support. A fitness partner will help you achieve your goals by keeping you motivated. Rather than having to try to motivate yourself, you have the constant motivation from your buddy. They can continue to push you to your next level, out of your comfort zone, and to that place where you need to be to reach your goals. Throughout your fitness journey, your fitness partner can be there to support you no matter what. When you want to give up or you’re having an off day, a fitness partner can be there to give you support and keep you going.

Friendly competition. There’s nothing wrong with a little friendly competition. If it’s one of your good friends, you always want to be a little better. Having to compete next to someone makes you perform better, which is going to force you into pushing yourself harder. When your fitness partner pushes hard, you push harder. Both of you can benefit from this sense of competition.

Safer workouts. Having a fitness partner with you at all times can ensure your safety and your partner’s safety. When you work out alone, there is no one there to tell you if you are lifting too much, using the equipment wrong, or not stretching enough. A fitness partner can be there to have your back and make sure you are reaching your fitness goals in a safe and healthy manner.

More commitment. When you have someone besides yourself depending on you, you are going to feel a little more obligated to stick with your routine. If you choose to skip out on a day of your fitness routine, you’re letting your fitness partner down. Just like you need them, they need you to stay motivated and to stick with their routine. You will be more committed to your fitness goals when you know you have someone who wants to achieve their goals just as bad as you want to achieve yours.

More variety. As mentioned before, your own fitness routine can get pretty monotonous. You end up doing the same exercises day after day, the ones that you feel most comfortable with and that you know how to do. Not a lot of us like to step out of our comfort zone when it comes to exercise and fitness. With a fitness partner, you will add more variety to your daily routine because you can incorporate the exercises that they do as well. Now, you can use both of your routines, and you may not be as hesitant to try new ones together.

More fun! What else is there to say? Having a fitness partner can just make your fitness routine more fun! Trying to reach your fitness goals on your own can be relaxing and rejuvenating, but adding a fitness partner can add some flair to your routine. You know what they say; time flies when you’re having fun. Having more fun while working towards your goals might get you there faster!

Find a partner that’s just as ready as you are to go after their fitness goals. You two can go after your goals and create new routines. If you’re looking for a way to spice up your fitness routine, stay motivated and on track, and have some fun while you’re doing these things, a fitness partner is just what you need.