Turning Goals into Action Steps

Author: Dr Bennett December 16, 2015 Body Workz Wellness, Personal Development & Growth


Life is all about choices–we make them every day, every hour, every minute, every second. The choices that we make can affect everything that we do. The choices that we make tell others a lot about our character, and the choices we make help us to become the people that we are to become. When going after your fitness goals, it’s all about creating the right goals, attacking them, making them a habit, and achieving them to become the person that you want to be and live the life that you desire.

Your words become actions. If you have decided to make new health and fitness goals, make sure they are clearly defined. So clearly defined that you can explain them to someone, so clearly defined that you can write them down. Writing your goals down is going to make them more set in stone and make you more motivated to go after them. Creating a goal checklist is going to turn your words/goals into actions. It’s one thing to say something, but it’s another to actually do it.

Your actions become habits. So you’ve written your goals down and you’ve put them into action. Turning these actions into habits is one of the most difficult parts in going after health and fitness goals, but it is also one of the most important. Creating a habit is difficult and takes time, but it is necessary in achieving your goals and making them a part of your lifestyle. In the beginning when it seems tough, remember why you started in the first place. What are your goals? Why are you going after them? It takes 30 days of a specific action to create a habit. It will be worth it in the end. Once your actions become habits, you’ve conquered the most difficult part of the journey.

Your habits become character. There is probably a reason that you decided to create health and fitness goals for yourself. Sure, it could be just to live a healthier life and be in better shape, but it could also be because you know it will make you a more positive person. Making healthier choices when it comes to your diet and to the physical activity you partake in leads to a healthier mind. Making a healthy lifestyle a habit can totally change the way you look at things in both your personal and professional life. Overall wellness can turn your perspective of the world into a positive one.  

Your character becomes your destiny. Who you are determines the life that you are going to live. What kind of life do you imagine for yourself? What kind of life do you want? By going after and achieving your health and fitness goals, you can create the life that you desire. It’s up to you to create your relationships, your adventures, your daily plan. Becoming a healthier and happier person can shape the quality of the life you live.
Your words, your actions, and your habits say a lot about your character and the life that you live. What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of life do you want to live? Start by creating your health and fitness goals, and go from there. You have the ability to turn your goals into action steps and eventually, into your destiny. You just have to make the right choices.