When Do You Hire a Professional Coach?

Author: Dr Bennett June 8, 2016 Personal Development & Growth, Professional Development


In many situations, either as a small business owner or supervisor of 25+ employees, there is going to be a time where you need to train yourself or certain employees.  Training is something that has to happen in a business. But why a professional coach? Why do businesses typically struggle to even train their best employees? Here are some of the reasons why you should consider hiring a professional coach.

When the business relationship becomes to close: You typically see this happen in small companies. It is not bad actually, because it can help make working at the business more enjoyable. Communication between all the teammates is typically not a problem when this happens. The problem though is when you cannot see the line and you have trouble fixing problems because they other person does not want to acknowledge them.  Draw the line here and hire a professional business coach.

Annual reviews do not go well: For all you managers and supervisors out there, this is for you. Almost every business has that employee who everyone loves, they are the office favorite, and clients even love them. But they shrug off criticism, and typically try to steer the conversation away from what they do wrong, and talk about what they do right. You have got to get straight with this individual. Hire a professional coach, and be firm with the consequences if they do not work with the professional coach.  

Coaching is important: Look at this way. Being professionally coached is not a bad thing. In fact it is considered to be an investment in one’s professional skills and abilities. For the employees who struggle with coaching or say they do not need a coach, that is when you need to approach the idea of the individual not being coachable, and may not belong in your company.  Coaching should be taken seriously.

Taking the a great employee higher – This employee has been with the company for 5 years. They have worked almost every position, and could probably run the company with the proper training. If you know of an employee like this, then professional coaching is exactly what you need to help move this employee higher.

My last thoughts on this topic is directed to you managers. You need to consider that the day-to-day demands of being a manager and leader don’t always give you the time you need to coach your employees. Don’t put off coaching your employees because of the lack of time. Your employees’ continued development is too important to relegate to the back burner.