Who Should You Hire? Personal Trainer vs. Wellness Liaison

Author: Dr Bennett September 16, 2015 Body Workz Wellness


Are you bored of your fitness routine? Not seeing any results? You’re trying to eat healthy and keep up with your fitness plan, but things just aren’t going the way that you had planned. When it comes to reaching fitness goals, most people want to do it on their own, in their own way and on their own terms. Pride can always get the best of us, but it’s not going to get you the best fitness results. It might be time to let a professional step in and assist you in reaching your fitness goals.

Usually when people want help with getting back into shape, they look to personal trainers. There are other professionals, aside from personal trainers, that are available to those wanting help with their fitness. These professionals, who are not as well known, are wellness liaisons. In order to choose the professional that would best suit your needs, it is important to understand what each one does and how each one can help you.

What is a Wellness Liaison? A Wellness Liaison is a liaison between clients and their health care team. Wellness Liaisons know their clients and motivate to make healthy choices in their life. A wellness liaison is well versed in nutrition, exercise, positive self-image, fitness and accountability.

-knowledge of human anatomy and the concepts of functional exercise and nutrition
-understand goal setting and outcome assessments
-have a direct relationship with their clients’ healthcare team
-have a more complete picture of their clients’ short and long term goals in relationship to their overall health and function
-willingness to educate others on health and longevity
-have a dedication to maintaining personal integrity and their own health and fitness

What is a Personal Trainer? Personal trainers have a passion for being healthy, fit and active. They have a love for all things fitness.

-knowledge of human anatomy and the concepts of functional exercise
-ability to design individual and group exercise programs
-conduct and understand client assessment, initially and progressively
-desire to help clients reach their health and fitness goals through appropriate cardiovascular, flexibility and resistance exercise
-ability to motivate others to improve their overall fitness and health
-primary focus is on physical health and well-being

In order to decide which professional is going to be best for you, you need to know exactly what your fitness goals are and how you want to reach them. Both professionals are going to make for a happy and healthier you.