5 Foods You Must Avoid After a Workout

Author: Dr Bennett September 26, 2016 Eat Clean

Spending 30 to 45 minutes daily in the gym will do amazing things to your body. But the easiest way to neglect and diminish those benefits is to eat poorly after a workout. Working out and burning 600 – 800 calories does not give you a green light for the McDonalds drive-thru. It does give you the green light to eat though, because exercising sends signals to your brain for food. Instead of finding the nearest type of food, have a plan in place to follow, so you can avoid the wrong foods. To get the biggest bang from your workout buck, it’s vital to replenish calories and nutrients with the right combination of protein, carbs, and good fats. On the other hand, it’s also important to limit calories that come from unhealthy foods loaded with bad fats, refined sugar, and only carbs. I have developed a short but strong list of foods you should avoid eating after a workout!

1 . Pizza

No brainer folks. The pepperoni, sausage, and other grease enabling ingredients will tank any efforts you have of losing weight. Try a english muffin with a bit of cheese (opt for a low mozzarella on multigrain bread or an english muffin. But use sparingly!) if you are craving something similar to pizza.

2 . Salty Foods

Again. These do you no good following a workout. In fact, the salt could affect your potassium levels, which in turn affects your recovery. Your body loses electrolytes following a workout, so eat something to restore your electrolyte balance e.g. a banana or two.








3. Bacon

Sorry to all you bacon lovers. This isn’t all bad news though. You could eat a bacon alternative in the morning as you prepare to burn calories throughout the day, but never eat it after a workout. Bacon takes a long time to metabolize, and it will slow down your metabolism even after a intense workout. I know such a bummer….try some eggs (not fried) instead.

Avoid Bacon After Workout

4. Sugary and Fruit Drinks

Sports drink lovers are probably shaking their heads, but seriously, look at the side of the bottle. You are doing nothing to refuel your body after drinking something loaded with corn syrup, flavoring, or sugar.  Replenish your thirst with old-fashion water!

5. Raw Vegetables

Yes, you read that correctly, but let me explain. You simply cannot only eat raw vegetables following a workout. You have probably come to realize as you read this blog that you need food to replace the nutrients that left during the workout. Raw vegetables do not give you the protein to help muscle growth or recovery. You can combine vegetables with another food like grilled chicken or salmon to maximize all nutrients you need!

In conclusion. Use common sense when you are choosing your post-workout meals. Read the labels and read them carefully. If you question the impacts of what it might do to your body, then ask your local nutritionist expert. You could also make a list of post-workout foods and stick to the list every single time you workout! You are responsible for every choice you make, so make the right one!