Why am I so Fatigued?

Author: Dr Bennett April 20, 2017 Body Workz Wellness

You know whether you’re tired from a few nights without rest, or whether it’s something more. Feeling fatigued is more than just feeling tired. The definition of fatigue is “extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.” Fatigue isn’t just a spell of drowsiness; it’s an overwhelming sense of exhaustion.

Adrenal Fatigue

Several factors can cause adrenal fatigue, including the everyday chemical stress your body experiences. Simply put, adrenal fatigue is a result of your adrenal glands’ inability to cope with the stress that you experience. Adrenal fatigue has grown tremendously over the last 100 years. The average person’s stress level has increased, from diet and toxic load, since the beginning of the twentieth century.


Your body is not equipped to handle the toxic load in the world today. There are toxins in food, pesticides in vegetables, antibiotics in meat and pollutants in the air. All these factors contribute to your toxic overload.

Every year, it’s estimated that 2,000 chemicals are brought into the marketplace in our food and the products we purchase. Your body can handle a few of these chemicals safely. All together, the toxins and chemicals can lead to serious conditions such as heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s. Even if you don’t develop one of these diseases, toxins can still affect your quality of life and your immune system.

Your body will typically make a temporary adjustment to compensate for new chemicals introduced to your system. However, this comes at the cost of more work for your adrenal glands. Overworked adrenal glands for an extended period of time can increase your chances for adrenal fatigue.

When Fatigue Sets In

You know when your body is not functioning at 100%. After years of working under pressure, your body and mind can slowly become exhausted; that’s when fatigue sets in.

You may feel for an extended period:

  • Empty
  • Exhausted
  • Unmotivated
  • Unable to focus
  • Unable to remember things

If you recognize any of these symptoms, your adrenal system may be fatigued and you might be living in an exhausted state. These symptoms can develop into more serious problems. You may experience a lack of self-control and feel a sense of emptiness. You may feel irritable and aggressive all the time, and there might be physical repercussions, like an aching back or heart palpitations.

Steps to Heal Adrenal Fatigue

To heal adrenal fatigue, you’ll need to reduce the stress in your life, eliminate toxins, and replenish your body with healthy nutrients and positive thoughts.

1. Healthy Food Choices
Diet plays a huge role in giving your body the support it needs to function at peak levels. It is best to consume nutrient-dense food that has healthy fat and fiber and is low in sugar.

Foods to remove from diet:

  • Excessive caffeine
  • Sugar or sweeteners
  • Processed and microwaved foods
  • Hydrogenated oils

Foods to consume:

  • Fatty fish (like wild-caught salmon)
  • Chicken and turkey
  • Walnuts and almonds
  • Coconut
  • Broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables
  • Olives
  • Avocados

2. Supplements
Because of soil depletion, adrenal-boosting nutrients are no longer in our fruits and vegetables. Supplements are a good way to incorporate these nutrients back into your diet.

  • Fish oil (EPA/DHA)
  • Vitamins B5, B12, C, and D3
  • Magnesium and Zinc
  • Adaptogenic Herbs like ashwagandha, rhodiola and cordyceps

3. Stress Reduction
Pay attention to your body, and get the rest you need. Don’t feel guilty; you will be a better, healthier person for taking the time to yourself.

  • Sleep 8-10 hours a night
  • Rest when you feel tired
  • Stay on a regular sleep cycle
  • Minimize work and relational stress
  • Eat on a regular cycle
  • Laugh and have fun doing one thing every day
  • Exercise – even just a 30-minute walk will help
  • Avoid negative people
  • Get counseling if necessary

Be kind to yourself, avoid negative people and negative self-talk. Aim for a balanced life.

Sometimes, it’s hard to make these changes on your own. Dr. Bennett and the staff at Body Workz Wellness can help you develop an individual path to wellness. Nutrition is a priority, and so is making sure your body is properly aligned through chiropractic visits. The entire body, mind, soul and spirit must work together for your success and confidence. Contact us today for a consultation on your situation, and we can help you take control.